Bounce! It’s the Only Way Down!

Bounce! It’s the Only Way Down!

Dec 1st 2010

Woman measuring her waistlineIt’s a well known fact that exercise is a stress reducer, it also keeps our waistlines in check which in turn, helps our bodies function more efficiently and with less wear and tear.  This being said, with kids, jobs, dogs to walk, dishes to wash, and beds to make, it’s often very difficult to carve out that time to move our bodies and reap the benefits of fitness and wellness.

Hark! There is actually a method of achieving that 30-60 minute goal of cardio intensity while still keeping an orderly house, grocery shopping and having dinner on the table.  The secret lies in the JumpSport Fitness Trampoline.  As a group fitness instructor, I know the body blasting power of this equipment.  I know that the members in our JumpSport class are easily burning 600-700 cals in one hour and that includes circuit training!

With this said, if you are able to bounce on your fitness trampoline for three to six sessions with a duration of ten minutes at each session, you will easily achieve your wellness goals.  The beauty of the trampoline, besides being extraordinarily effective, is that it is FUN!  Unlike other cardio equipment, the trampoline enables us to reconnect with our inner child; we are at once transported to a backyard trampoline, jumping high into the tree tops and laughing all the while.Woman doing cardio jumping on a JumpSport Fitness trampoline

JumpSport fitness makes it so much easier to motivate ourselves from our at-the-computer-all-day coma because the moment we begin to bounce we feel lighter, springier, and happier.

The relative lightness of the fitness trampoline allows you to move it around the house so if you crave time alone and all rooms are occupied, bring it outside and bounce under the sky.  If you are a DVR “junkie” and want to catch up on your favorite shows, why not watch and get exercise too?  You can make games with yourself that will allow you to get the most bouncing during the show as you want.  Perhaps you bounce during commercials or at half time?

To maintain a healthy life, we have to make the necessary things (like cardiovascular exercise) exciting and enjoyable so they remain sustainable.  Keep your stress levels down and your joy levels up by bouncing one TV show, one diaper change, one ten minute interval at a time.