
Health Bounce

Health Bounce: Benefits and Techniques

For best rebounding results on the JumpSport Fitness Trampoline, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the “health bounce” (also known as the basic bounce) and our Safety Guidelines.

– Dr Morton Walker in Jumping for Health

Health Bounce Posture:

A neutral or “basic” stance serves as a point of reference for all other jumps. In basic posture exercisers:

  • Stand on the mat in a neutral, athletic ready position
  • Feet should be slightly wider than hip width apart for greater balance and stability
  • Feet are in a neutral position with the toes pointing forward, spread naturally and not gripping
  • Knees are slightly bent and not locked
  • Core is activated
  • The front of the body is open across the collar bones
  • Extend through the spine (from the tail bone to the top of the head); the head is lifted and in a neutral position
  • The gaze is focused and forward
  • Hands rest comfortably on the hips or at the sides (When holding onto the exercise bar, the wrists are in a neutral position, forearms parallel to the ground with a light relaxed grip)

Watch Kara and Michelle demonstrate the "Health" or "Basic" bounce. Visit YouTube to view their full basic workout routine:

Watch the full sequence

The Health Bounce is still Rebounding

The main joints of the body are filled with synovial fluid, which acts as a lubricant and helps keep joints moving smoothly. When considering this in light of rebounding it’s worthwhile to note, the action of bouncing (on proper equipment) gets your joints and muscles working with and against gravity. This gives you an effective stress-free workout. As a bonus, rebounding creates an exercise synergy; not only do your joints and muscles get a low-impact, vigorous workout, but your joints get lubricated and you rev up your heart and lymph system, too.

Health Bounce Technique:

While bouncing, try to be constantly aware of your body position in relation to the frame. This can be accomplished by exercising in front of a mirror and by occasionally glancing down to check position.

When bouncing, avoid bouncing too high or out of control (feet should never leave more than two inches off mat) and keeping the head erect and the eyes forward. Keeping low will better control the bounce. Focusing the eyes on a stationary object across the room may further help to regulate your bounce.

Repeatedly land each bounce focusing on pressing down versus jumping up. Not all movements start and end in the middle of the mat. Maintaining good bounce control is more important than jump height, in fact many exercises do not require your feet leave the mat.

  • Focus on staying low and pressing down versus jumping up; think a “low ceiling” as a gauge
  • Bounce control is more important than jump height
  • Keep the core activated and the eyes focused forward
  • Maintain an athletic-ready body position with a 10–15 degree flexion at the hips, slight knee bend and proper alignment through the feet, knees, hips, spine and neck
  • Periodically check body position in relation to the frame
  • Keep in mind, more control is required when bouncing in the narrow foot position versus the wider foot placement
  • Remember to look down periodically to check foot position and placement on mat

Three types of bounce

One: Feet Wide – Bouncing with feet in contact with the mat
Two: Lifting the heels slightly keeping the toes in contact with the mat
Three: Lifting the feet off the trampoline approximately 1 – 2 inches max

Basic Dismount

To decelerate, lower the bounce frequency and height gradually, returning to the basic posture position, gradually slowing the rate of bounce. It is also acceptable to stop immediately. Avoid jumping off the JumpSport Fitness Trampoline rather transition safely from bouncing on the trampoline to stepping down to the floor.