48 results for 'profit adapt'
Maximize Results With JumpSport’s PlyoFit(Post)
When one thinks of California, it’s easy to think of innovation. With fashion, board sports, software, and fresh approaches to exercise, California seems to be an estuary for new ideas, a ...
Barre Forte blends rebounder cardio with barre principles for a total-body workout(Post)Barre Forte in Colorado shows how they've adapted their barre workout classes to include cardio trampoline bouncing, strength intervals, balance, wrist weights, and an upright trampoline a ...
How Exercising Outdoors Improves Your Health(Post)Like most Americans, you probably have heard the benefits of exercising about a million (or more!) times. You also know that most of us aren’t getting enough exercise. If your excuses for not wo ...
To Get Results, You Have to Raise the Bar!(Post)By Heidi Lauckhardt-RhoadesFor the next two blog entries, I’m going to focus on being mindful of our progress, in this case, our wellness progress. Take for a moment your exercise routine - you run f ...
4 Tips To Create A Family Backyard Paradise(Post)Because there’s got to be a happy medium between your child’s dream play area and Margaritaville We’re big proponents of family fun time. Spending more time with loved ones is a great way to bond, an ...
4 Games You Can Play with a Plyometric Rebounder(Post)Here’s how you can make fitness a whole lot more fun Unless you’re a workout nut who loves nothing more than lacing up your running shoes and going for a jog or hitting the gym, you probably aren’t ...
5 Reasons Why JumpSport Loves Resistance Bands(Post)They’re a great choice for people of all ages and fitness levels—here’s why You’ve probably seen them or at least heard of them, and maybe you have friends who have used them, but did you know t ...
Walking is the First Step for Posturing(Post)By Heidi Lauckhardt-Rhoades This morning, my aqua class left laughing and squeezing the shoulders of fellow classmates, rehashing the camaraderie of power walking with runway model-like posture, bac ...
Let’s Travelcise!(Post)Travelcise: Travel-sized Workouts Anyplace, Anytime!According to the newspapers, travel among Americans is up. Summer is traditionally the season for families to drive or fly to national parks, visit ...
Fitness Manuals(Page)Online Instruction Manuals Note: Manuals are in PDF format and may take a few minutes to download. PDF format allows you to view documents electronically on most computers. The freely availabl ...
Trampoline Instruction Manuals(Page)Trampoline Instruction Manuals include parts, assembly instructions, and product warranty (found on the last page). Solutions to Common Issues: How do I install my Safety Enclos ...